How to improve the checkout process to avoid losing sales in your online store

E-commerce marketing tips

In your online shop, do you find, if you look at your Google Analytics or your insights from your store, that people are adding to their cart but not checking out, or adding to their basket and not checking out? This video looks at improving the checkout process to avoid losing sales.

What can you do to improve the checkout process?

There are some things you can do to improve the checkout process on your online store to make that easier for people to buy.

How do people currently checkout from your online shop?

After a customer has decided they want to buy from you, they’ve clicked the button that says add to basket. Now, how easy is it for them to make a purchase?

An example checkout process

If it’s really easy to add a product to a bag or cart and to see where to view the products or go straight to checkout, how simple is it then to click and buy.

If there’s a lot of information on the initial checkout page, it can be overwhelming. From adding a donation to charity, to delivery options, adding an offer code, to finding the order summary, some websites are confusing. The way they are laid out on screen makes it difficult for the customer flow.

Take a look at your checkout pages and see if anything can be simplified, whether any information is irrelevant, and how easy is it for someone to checkout. Make it as easy as possible to navigate.

An improved checkout process

When you look at your checkout process, think about the following:

  • How easy is it for a customer to add their address? Can it be auto filled or can they start typing and their address is found?
  • What payment methods are you offering? Does a customer have to key in credit card details or they use Google Pay, Apple Pay or PayPal? Can you offer express checkout?
  • Can an offer code be added to the cart and applied automatically?
  • How many terms and conditions and privacy policy boxes do they have to click?

A tip to boost your sales

Offering for the customer to add more items to their basket to get free delivery is always a good offer because it boosts your sales.

Simplifying the journey for your customers

When you’re looking to improve the checkout process, go through it. Look at what stages there are and how easy is it for people to buy and how easy is it for people to leave and go, actually, I can’t bothered? If they’ve got to go and look for their credit card, are they going to decide not to put the details in? Follow that flow of that journey and see how much easier you could make it for your customers.

I hope this helped. Please get in touch if you have any questions.

Further helpful videos

Other videos you may find useful if you have an online shop or ecommerce site and want to maximise the shopping experience:

Using product images to encourage people to buy:

Using product descriptions to help the buying process:


  • Gill Bishop

    Gill is a marketing strategist who, for over 20 years, has worked in small businesses in a variety of sectors. She’s passionate about helping business owners get organised, so that they can be visible in the right place, enabling them to build relationships with their clients and customers. What this means is that the marketing they do is less overwhelming, worthwhile, and gets results.

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