9 tips and topics to use in your email marketing newsletters

This vlog is about email marketing and specifically what to put in your newsletters.

It’s a common thing I come across with business owners. They know they need to be doing email marketing, they might be doing it, but they’re struggling with what to put in their newsletters.

They think ‘I’m sending this for the sake of it’, or ‘I don’t really know what to share. I haven’t really got any news or anything to send.’

This video is to give you some tips to help you to plan what you can put in your newsletters.

The video talks about

  • why emails should be part of your marketing strategy, and
  • what you can put into your emails

Why should you be doing email marketing as part of your marketing activities?

When it comes to email marketing, I’m often told by business owners ‘Oh, we think it’s a bit spammy and hate turning up in people’s inboxes.’

But in reality, if people have subscribed to your newsletter, they want to hear from you, they want to know what you’re up to and and what’s going on in your business. They are already interested in your products and services.

Building a one to one relationship

Email marketing is about building a one to one relationship with those people because although you’re sending it to lots of inboxes, you’re actually sending it directly to someone so you’re building that relationship with them. You’re showing your knowledge and they’re getting to know you better.

Data that you will always have access to

The other thing to think about is when you do social media and, other types of marketing, what would happen if all social media disappeared overnight? How would you keep in contact with those people who are interested in working with you?

If you’ve been doing email marketing, you’ve got a database of people who are interested in working with you, and it’s a great way of keeping in contact with them should the worst case scenario happen.

Now social media is unlikely to disappear overnight, but you hear of people being hacked or losing access to their social media accounts accounts, don’t you? What would you do in this situation if you weren’t doing email marketing alongside your social media?

When to send emails and when to avoid sending them

Do not send emails just for the sake of it just because you think, ‘oh, I should be sending one every week and that’s the slot and I’m going to miss it.’

Don’t worry if you struggle to come up with something for that week. Just leave it. Don’t just send something for the sake of it. Because if you’re bored with it or you’re struggling with it, you can tell in the way it’s written and so will your audience.

In these cases, I find it’s best to pause, take a breath and revisit the reasons why I’m emailing them, what I want to get from it, what I want my subscribers to get from it, or my potential clients to get from it, and what I what I want to achieve here.

What can you send in your email marketing?

Here are 9 things you can use in your emails.

Blog posts

If you are creating content, for your website you can repurpose it for your social media posts, and you can also use it in your email marketing if it’s relevant to your audience.

Video posts

Like this one! Once it’s on YouTube or your website, you can create mini videos from it and share those as well and get people to engage with your video content.

New product or service launch

Do some teaser emails that lead into your launch.

Case studies

These are a great way to show people how you work, what work you do, who you’ve worked with, what sort of clients you’ve been working with. It all gives

everybody that’s on your mailing list the flavour of what you’re about and also what you’ve achieved by working with those people.

Deals and promotions

Whether you just do one a year, like Black Friday, or whether you have a special offer for the people on your email database, you might want to do something special for them that you’re not doing for anybody else. That then rewards their loyalty as well.


For example, I might do an email about this, I’ve got ‘nine ways of things that you can put in your email newsletter.’ Tips that are really helpful, useful, but little bite sized things that they can just digest really quickly.

Behind the scenes

Tell people what you’ve been up to, where you’ve been, who you’ve been meeting or what you’ve seen, things you’ve learned. People are nosy. They want to know what you’re up to, so show them.


What questions are people asking about the industry that you’re in?

To find out what people are asking about, look at Reddit. If you join communities on there, you can see what questions people are asking and what are being answered.

The other place to walk is answerthepublic.com. If you put in your keywords it will also give you some content.

Industry news

There might be something has happened in your industry or in your marketplace that you want to talk about or show your opinion on, show what you’re thinking is about it. Anything that you think is relevant to them in their industry will be really helpful to them.

9 things to include in your email marketing:

Now you have some ideas you can include in your email marketing. To recap:

  • blog posts
  • video posts
  • new product launch
  • case studies
  • deals and promotions
  • tips
  • industry news
  • behind the scenes work
  • FAQ’s

Email marketing tips

Don’t forget to think about your audience and what they need first before you start emailing them with newsletters that you think might be relevant to them.

Have a really good think about it first. And remember why you’re doing it, what you want to achieve from it as well.

If you’re struggling with email marketing, book a mentoring session with me and we’ll get you sorted and feeling comfortable with your email marketing.

Click here for further information or book directly here

If you have any questions, email me here.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@CherryAidMarketing

I’m creating lots of information videos about marketing in general, marketing tips, tools that you can use and really useful information that I hope will help with your own marketing.