Use product images to get more online sales

If you have an online store which is getting lots of visitors, but people aren’t buying, what can you do to help them to make a purchase? In this video I talk about how to use product images to get more online sales.

How to use product images and video to get more sales on your online shop

If you’ve got an online shop and you’ve put some lovely products on there with product descriptions
and images, might be finding that people are visiting but not necessarily buying from you.

What can you do to encourage people to purchase?

Let’s look at how to use product images and video to encourage people to buy from you and to get more sales from your online shop.

Specifically how can you use product images to get more online sales? How can you encourage someone to buy through your images that you use?

How people buy

We know that you need text for your descriptions. It’s something that people use, isn’t it? On their, products, those keywords that you can use, which are great for search engine optimisation or SEO.
But people don’t buy anymore through reading through descriptions, or not often anyway. They like to have a look at images and video The more that they can easily flip through and have a look,
the easier the decision is for them to make a purchase.

5 tips to use product images to get more online sales

I’ve got five tips of things you can do to your images to make it easy for people to make a decision.

Put your images on a plain background

Images on a white or plain background which show people round the product from different angles with no clutter, no background make it really easy for customers to have a flick through and see whether that product is what they’re after.

Use lifestyle shots

Create a lifestyle shot which shows your customer how they are going to use the product. Allow them to picture themselves using it or placing it in their home.

Display dimensions

The third thing I would suggest is have images with dimensions displayed because your customer can then figure out whether that product is the size they you want it to be. Compare it to other items which they know the size of so they can picture it rather than having to get the tape measure out.

Answer your customers’ questions

Add your key points about your products on to your images. What you want to be doing here is answering any questions people might have about your product. So if you answer those questions in your images, customers don’t have to scroll through the text and maybe not not bother buying because they can’t find the answer to the questions.

When you’re planning your, product images and product descriptions think about they questions people will have about your products. And answer them.

Use video

People want to consume video, and in ecommerce it helps them to make decisions. A vidoe gives customers an overview of what your product is like. If you have a product that people have to know how to use it, put a how to use it video on your website.

Product images on your website

So they are my five key points to use product images to get more online sales.

If you have any questions, just drop me an email as I’d love to help.

Feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel or follow me on my social media channels,


  • Gill Bishop

    Gill is a marketing strategist who, for over 20 years, has worked in small businesses in a variety of sectors. She’s passionate about helping business owners get organised, so that they can be visible in the right place, enabling them to build relationships with their clients and customers. What this means is that the marketing they do is less overwhelming, worthwhile, and gets results.

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